tenses in english 在 呢個錯誤令你考試絕對肥佬:I am very thanks them 錯❌,但係可以講is come?? 的影片資訊
0:00 Intro 0:04 千祈唔可以犯嘅英文錯誤 0:19 呢個錯誤嘅經典示範 1:17 英文有幾多種Tenses? 1:59 點解講 I am very thanks them有問題? 4:1...
0:00 Intro 0:04 千祈唔可以犯嘅英文錯誤 0:19 呢個錯誤嘅經典示範 1:17 英文有幾多種Tenses? 1:59 點解講 I am very thanks them有問題? 4:1...
0:00 簡介 1:00 點用呢條片 1:23 Simple present tense 簡單現在式 1:49 Simple past tense 簡單過去式 2:24 Simple future t...
?【成人英語再起步】網上課程 ► http://bit.ly/2We1n2Q ? Patreon 月費學習計劃 ► https://bit.ly/3fZcjID ? 訂閱電郵通訊,收取學習資源、...
0:00 簡介 1:10 誤解一:tense = 幾時做 4:09 誤解二:一個 tense 只有一個用途 6:09 誤解三:每種 tense 用法都不同,無法理解,需要死記 7:54 誤解四:一句句...
?【成人英語再起步】網上課程 暫停收生,想收到最新開班消息, ?訂閱芬尼的電郵通訊 ► http://bit.ly/fla-nl ▶️ SUBSCRIBE 訂閱 ► http://bit.ly/f...
COMMON MISTAKES LEARNING CHINESE In this live streaming, we're going to discuss some common mistakes...
【限時優惠】如一次報四期,在3月3日或之前使用優惠碼 "TENSES0226" 報名及付費,可享 $1000 優惠 ($5000 → $4000) ▍成人英語再起步 ● 課程資料 & 報名表格 ►...
例句: It's a rip-off. It's a bargain. It's a steal. rip-off (n.) 索價過高的物品 bargain (n.) 便宜貨/廉價品 steal (...
flaky (adj.) 乾燥易脫皮的 例句:My skin has become flaky and dry because winter has arrived. 詞彙: beauty yo...
prep. + n./n.phr. 例句: I'm looking forward _to_ hearing from you. We were talking _about_ David. We ...